Log your volunteer hours online
Any hours you put in the paper log over the summer or earlier this year WILL be entered for you - you just need to enter your CURRENT hours.
Book Fair Results More than $2,000 earned! Congratulations and a big THANKS go out to all the volunteers who helped make our Book Fair such a success.Thanks also to all of the parents and students who purchased items at the fair. We earned more than $2,000 in credit toward books to add to the leveled reading room we're creating to support our classrooms. |
Divorce Discussion Group We are trying to gauge interest in having a student discussion group around coping with divorce. Mr. Kennedy and Dr. Rakow would facilitate the meetings. If you believe your student would benefit from such a group, please contact Jim.Kennedy@MenloParkAcademy to get more information. |
Lunchtime Parents are welcome to occasionally come visit their children at school and eat lunch with them. However, we do need to keep track of who is on campus each day, so please let the Director know a day ahead of time if you intend to join your student at lunchtime. You can contact her at Paige.BW@MenloParkAcademy.com. |
Support MPA as you do your holiday grocery shopping!
Free Funds information cards are going out in this week's Thursday folder. Look for the bright orange card and spread the word to friends and family to continue supporting Menlo Boosters!
Box Tops update! Have you noticed the Box Tops display for the classroom competition? Keep saving and sending them in! Many Box Tops for Education labels expire December 31, 2012 so get those in as soon as possible! Every student who sends in at least 25 Box Tops for the time period of Nov thru Dec will earn a Menlo Park Academy pencil. Please remember to label your envelopes, bags, or collection pages with student and teacher name and grade. For students who earned a dress down day from the October reward (50 or more), a coupon is being sent home. It is printed on orange paper, expires Feb 1,2013, and is not replaceable. Thank you for your continued support!
It's a girl!
Cong ratulations to First Grade Teacher Doug Thompson, who is the proud father of a beautiful baby girl! Jane Ellen Thompson was born Tuesday; mom and baby are both doing well. Best of luck to all of you - we'll think "easy baby" thoughts for you, Mr. Thompson! |
Lost and Found
Our lost and found has grown considerably. In an effort to more easily return your items, we will have a table set up in the lobby at the concert. Make sure you stop by and look for any missing items!
Any items not claimed by December 21st will be donated to charity, so don't wait - come stake your claim today! |
STEM Career Night
January 9, 2013
The MPA STEM Team is seeking additional speakers for Grade 5-8 Career Night, tentatively scheduled for January 9. If you are in a science or technology career and would enjoy talking to MPA students for a few minutes, please contact Grant Henson atgranthens@gmail.com. Career Night is an informal way for students to find out what it's like to be in a technical career and how to get there. |
12/7 - Friday - chess class after school; MS Science Fair workshop after school; pasta dinner from 4:30-6pm, followed by school concert from 6:30-8pm
12/10 - Monday - Student Academic Excellence Assembly, 2pm
12/12 - Wednesday - Meet new math teacher Mr. Burton at MPA, 6pm and 6:45
12/21 - Friday - MS Science Fair workshop after school; MPA Basketball Team vs. Parents game, Westpark YMCA, 4:45pm
12/24 - 1/1 - Winter Break
1/2 - Teacher Inservice - No school for students
1/7 - 1/18 - Open Enrollment for incoming new students
1/9 - Wednesday - STEM Career Night for grades 5-8
1/11 - Friday - MS Science Fair workshop after school
2/8 - Friday - MS Science Fair workshop after school
2/22 - Friday - MS Science Fair workshop after school
2/23 - Saturday - Menlo Park Family Night/Monsters Hockey Game
Shop with Scrips Sunday by 7pm
Have you started earning "free" money for our school yet? Get started at www.shopwithscrip.com - Create an account using code B1BFLA8B23626 for MPA to receive the revenue. Even if you're not an Internet shopper, there is a way we can order cards for you! Contact Ramona Boggins at 216-832-6666 or fundraiser@menloparkacademy.comif you have any questions.
Shop for Scrips every Sunday by 7pm and be entered in the weekly and monthly prize drawings. You will receive your cards in the Thursday folder each week.
Re-enrollment and Sibling Enrollment Deadline - Dec. 14th, 4pm
Complete the paperwork before priority enrollment ends!
If you have not yet re-enrolled your current MPA student for next year, time is running out!!! Here are the links you'll need:
The $100 material fee deposit can also be submitted by check - just make sure you note on the check that it's for the 2013/2014 school year, and the name of the student(s) for whom you are paying - and put it in an envelope marked "Nancy Colby - Admissions."
If you would like to newly enroll the sibling of a current student, please contact Nancy.Colby@MenloParkAcademy.com to get the 2-page form that must be submitted with qualifying test scores and the material fee deposit by December 14, 2012. Any classroom slots that are still available after re-enrollment ends on December 14th will be open to the public at large during Open Enrollment in January.
** Please note that MPA has been piloting the online enrollment process during our re-inrollment period. This link will be removed when re-enrollment ends on 12/14, so that we may gauge it's effectiveness. When open enrollment begins, a link to the new student enrollment forms and procedures will be made available.
Winter Concert Information
Please have students to Magnificat by 6pm
Here is some additional information you may want to know about our holiday concert THIS FRIDAY, December 7th:
- Magnificat is located at 20770 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River.
- The general schedule of events for our concert evening: 4:30-6:00 - Pasta Dinner; 6pm - students need to arrive backstage; 6:00-6:30 - Auction Viewing & Open Seating; 6:30-8:00 - Concert. We have streamlined the transitions between performances this year and hope to end on time.
- Children should wear either standard school uniform clothes, or dress clothes of your choosing. It's not a black-tie event, but it IS fun to see the kids all spiffed up.
- There will be signs up on the backstage rooms to let you know where your student(s) should gather before the show. Please check in with the teacher(s) in charge of that room when your child arrives. Students must be backstage by 6pm.
- The entire school - grades K-8 - will be performing.
- The auditorium at Magnificat is nice and large, so feel free to bring family and friends to the concert! No tickets are required - but bring your checkbook or credit card so you can bid on all of the cool auction items we'll have available!
- Students will remain backstage during the concert, with the exception of the K-1 students. K-1 students will be seated in a special section of the audience after they perform during the first half of the concert.
- If you remove your child from their waiting/seating area during intermission, you need to return them to the same area (K-1 seating in auditorium, everyone else in backstage rooms).
- If your child needs to leave the concert early, you must contact the teacher supervising your child to let them know the child will be leaving. There will also be a sign-out sheet in the lobby - please make sure to sign your child out there, as well, so we can keep track of everyone and keep them safe.
PJ PARTY K-3 and Mrs. Shuder's Homeroom
Wear your Pajamas tomorrow - Thursday December 6!
Bring a sleeping bag or pillow for comfy movie viewing.
Screening of Polar Express and a hot chocolate treat.
Thanks to ALL of our students and families for donating to the Penny War. The Salvation Army will be attending our Winter Concert to receive the check.
PS Do you have a large coffee pot to heat water for hot chocolate? We would love to borrow it!
Academic Excellence and Student Recognition Assemblies Monday, December 10th
Our first celebration of student achievement for the year will be held on Monday, December 10. We will recognize academic excellence as well as numerous other skill areas. In order to make sure there's plenty of seating for families who would like to attend, we're splitting the assembly into two parts:
- Grades K-3 will assemble from 1:45-2:15pm
- Grades 4-8 will assemble from 2:15-3pm
Feel free to come cheer the accomplishments of all of our students!
Science Fair and Invention Convention
Middle School Workshops to be held after school
Workshops will be held for anyone in grades 5-8 who would like to get extra help with their Science Fair or Invention Convention projects from 3:15 - 4:15 on the following Fridays: 12/7, 12/21, 1/11, 2/8, 2/22. Several adults including a retired professor from Case Western Reserve University and a NASA scientist will be available to consult with students. Both Mr. Kiddey and Mrs. Eby will there to supervise.
If you are interested in helping out or know of a someone who would like to come in a give our children a hand, please contact Chris Whitman at cmw61@hotmail.com.
Meet Mr.Burton
Wednesday, December 12 at 6pm
Mr. Frank Burton recently joined us as the middle school mathematics instructor. Parents, please join us for an overview of Mr. Burton's classroom practice and get a chance to meet our newest addition (6th grade from 6:00-6:45 and 7 & 8 grades from 6:45-7:30).
Mock Trial Competition Informational Meeting
Wednesday, December 12 at 6:45pm & 7:30
Recognizing how busy MPA families are, we are offering a back to back opportunity with meeting Mr. Burton, for 6-8 graders to learn about participation in the state Mock Trial competition. This club will be advised by practicing lawyers and experienced coaches. An information session for Sixth Graders will be held at 6:45 pm, and a session for 7th/8th Grade will begin at 7:30.
Chess Club and Team
For something that did not exist a few months ago, the MPA chess team is doing really well! Eight MPA students have participated in tournaments over the last month, including last week's GCSCL tournament in Solon where several won trophies in their section (k-5 U-1000): Sophie Van Duin, 2nd; Young Kim, 3rd; Dominic Mayhew, 8th. Also participating, and contributing points toward the MPA team's cumulative total for the GCSCL series, were Firat Begen, Dae San Kim, Joe Henson and David Henson; Ishita Kopparapu has also participated in tournaments. The next tournament in the GCSCL series is at Rocky River Middle School on January 26th. It would be great to see even more MPA students at that one, so if your child is interested, visit progresswithchess.com for more information.
Chess class will be held next Friday, December 7th, which is also the day of the MPA concert. Due to the wonderful response, chess will continue after winter break.
Boy's Basketball
From Coach Willie Littlejohn:
What great effort both boys showed on Saturday's games! The varsity played so great even though we lost 25-23. The defense played on their 6-6 center was unbelievable and we actually had an 8 point lead. Again, strong efforts from everyone including Zach Peacock's 8 points and 8 rebounds, Brain Mingus' 6 points and 7 rebounds (including 2 three pointers) & Marshall Monnette's 5 points (including one three pointer) and 8 rebounds. And a big round of applause to Jaylon Ortiz, who after being fouled hard and being hit on the side of the face, got up and made both of his free throws. We may be 1-3 so far this season, but this team is growing up right before our eyes.
The JV team also played, but since the other team did not show in full, we won the game via forfeit to move to 1-2. I am arranging to move the JV team to a more established league next season so that we don't have these frustrating forfeits.
Winter Concert Auction
Bid Items
Share in the holiday spirit when you support MPA at the Four Seasons Winter Concert.
There will be live auction items, silent auction items, raffle baskets, and the coveted American Girl Doll limited raffle. A list of all of the items - donated in support of MPA - can be found here.
BROWNS Need You Support MPA and Have Fun!
Attention Browns Volunteers. Last 2 chances to volunteer this season! Sign up links below.
WE NEED YOU (really, we do) to sign up for one of these final two home games of the season - Sunday, 12/9 and Sunday, 12/16.
*** Remember - your child(ren) can participate in the pizza lunch celebration if you work even just ONE GAME! And they can use their dress down certificates ANY DAY they choose! ***
Thank you to those who have already signed up (listed below for both games). Come on down, cheer on the home team, earn a dress down day, get in your volunteer hours, have some fun, and earn some money for MPA!! We're in the final stretch!
Sunday, 12/9 Game - still need 7 volunteers - sign up here:
Ski Club
If you are interested in joining Ski Club, please send an Email to Kari Basiewicz at kbasiewicz@yahoo.com.
We need to choose a day, so please click HERE and indicate the days that could work for you. We are hoping to finalize group membership by 12/19, so even if you are not sure, let Kari know so you can remain updated on the plans.
- Begins the first week in January and runs for 5 weeks. After the 5 weeks you can keep skiing during our time/day for the rest of the season at no additional charge.
- There for four hours each time, with the first hour being instruction (great for newbies).
- Costs are $139 if you have your own equipment and $199 if you need equipment. $80 for Summit pass holders.
Weekly Website Highlights
New 2012-2013
Parent/Student Handbook
We have reworked the Parent/Student Handbook and are excited to share it with you at our new website.
Be sure to bookmark the new site and delete your old link.
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